Saturday, October 24, 2009


Hello! Or as they say in the world of the undead, "Hello," only they say it in zombie.

Now I don't know about you, but I love quotes. I just love hearing people that are smarter than me act just as dumb as everybody else and try to explain the world. A really cool one I came across is from my man, Ben'jammin Franklin. (But you can just call him Jammin'...) and the quote is;
"When the well's dry, we know the worth of water."
Let me tell you, this is just awesome- it's one of the handful of quotes that's not obscure, self-righteous, OR cheesy. It's just the truth. Let's face it, in this society we get everything we want- clothes, food, water, a roof over our heads. It just comes to you ready-made. You turn sixteen, you get a car, you're six years old, and you get a puppy. It's just the way things are if you're a regular american. We're all at least a little spoiled, and we all take the things we have for granted. Think about the people who appreciate what they have even if it's very little. They know what it's like to have a dried up well. But ours is overflowing, and do we share the water with those that have none? Mostly not. Those teenagers that pick up other peoples' trash on the streets, and volunteer at the nursing home or the soup kitchen simply because they want to don't come around as much as we'd like to think. Think about the economy right now. People are cutting back, scrimping together what they have. Our well is dry for the first time in a long time. But maybe once things start going again, and jobs open up, we'll appreciate having the extra money...

Okay, so now that my little rant is over....These past few weeks.... Well, for one thing, I'm getting a foreign exchange student from China in Janurary (officially). She'll be staying over at my house for three weeks, and she'll get a grand tour of Austin. Her name is Laura, and she's a percussionist (just like me! ). I'm really excited for it, because I don't have any siblings. She'll be kind of like an adopted sister for a few weeks; I'll get to introduce her to my friends, and we'll get to know each other really well. Also, we held a party this weekend. For like ten years now, my dad's been making this "Dead Guy." Basically it's a life-size zombie made out of rubber. it's real realistic, and very cool looking. So anyway, tonight we invited a ton of people over, unveiled him, and had a naming contest.

His official name now is Dr. Deteriorated :)

So that is all...
Live long and prosper!
~ Anna K.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hello!!! or as they say on mars "you think those stupid earthlings will ever find us up here?" only they say it in Martian.

Today, children, we are going to discuss the topic of illegal immigrants. Otherwise known as illegal "Aliens." Only not the kinds in men and black- the ones that are literally aliens. The immigrants we get are human beings, who just want to come over here because their own country is unsafe, unclean, or sometimes they simply want a fresh start. Of course, most of our immigrants are from Mexico, since it's right up against us. I'm not so sure about Canada though. Anyway, our country is trying to slow the stream of immigrants coming in by putting up border control, fences, etc. Anyway. Whatever keeps them out.

So now onto the past two weeks. Man, to be honest they've gone by so fast I hardly remember what happened. Lots of Band, lots of Homework, lots of tests. The usual. It's funny, but the most I remember from the last two weeks are things we did in band. How sad is that? One thing that I don't think I'll ever be able to forget is when we played Pflugerville Thursady night. Fellow percussionists from their band came over, introduced themselves, and gave us a big bag of candy. Then we all got in a circle and introduced ourselves, played games, etc. It was a lot of fun :)

Well, until I see you again, earthlings! l8r