Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hello ALL! This is gonna be a snappy blog today because I'm HYPED UP for no particular reason. Reallyreallyreallyreallyreally hyperrrr!!!

So this blog topic is about overpopulation. What have previous countries done about overpopulation? Well, the first thing that honestly comes to mind is China. Them and their stinkin' one-child policy. Dummmb if you ask me. Because honestly, what happens if people have twins? Triplets? Do they have to pay a fine? Are the children given up for adoption? Another thing that China has done would be, and they don't even know this is hurting them, the rejection of little girls. Bringing them to other countries. Abandoning them. Aborting them. etc, etc, etc... But seriously people, in case you never came to this conclusion GUYS CAN'T HAVE BABIES!!! What the heck are you going to do with all those guys running around? Not ALL of them can go gay you know...Anyway, rant over.
So recently we've had drumline tryouts. Yeah, that crazy thing I was talking about in my earlier blogs. It's CRAZY and in the past two days a lot of people have been cut from the line and moved on down to pit. Which sucks for pit, because they're starting to need alternate spots. Yeah. not enough instruments to use there. So a lot of pit people are getting cut and moved to alternate as well. but not me, yaaayy!!! At least, not yet. Final cuts are on may 3, so I won't find out if I made it until then!!! >.< Ticks me off... But anyway, in the meantime, I'm gonna like, double my practice, because I'm not going down without a fight.

ANYWAYS, BAAIIII!!! *goes off to drink more red bull*

Friday, April 9, 2010

"What about all that talk about screwing up future events?" "I figured...What the hell"

In case you didn't know, that quote was from the amazing movie "Back to the Future." It's an amazing movie about a scientist that builds a time machine OUT OF A CAR. How'd you like to drive that puppy downtown?

And that's kind of what this whole blog is going to be about- not a time machine/car, of course. The future! It's an exciting concept, going twenty or so into the future or past just to see what your life would be like. Who you married, what your kids were like, what kind of job or career you pursued... But say you were going to put some things together and bury into the ground to be discovered in the future. It's like having a visitor from the past. Well, the first thing I would do would be write a letter or possibly video for the future me/whoever to see. I would summarize what's happened in my lifetime, and what my life's like. Tell them all about the current events. Then comes the booty! Here's a little list of what I would like to put in my little time capsule. I couldn't choose JUST one thing, so don't eat me please!! (though extra credit points would be nice)
* An iPhone Fully loaded with music and movies of the time period (along with a charger of course) I'd probably put some of the harry potter movies in there, the movie "Up" probably "Brokeback mountain" because that was a BIG ol' deal when it came out, and of course, "Avatar," the biggest leap for the progress of computer graphics of ALL time. Also, some lord of the rings, and Wall-e, just for fun. Also, music by artists such as Lady Gaga, Beonce, Taylor Swift, Rascall Flatts, and the Black eyed Peas to name a few.
* TONS of magazines. We all love them, and they're good sources for pop culture.
* A laptop of some sort with the current operating system. I sure would have loved to have seen an old dinosaur from the 80s.
* Pictures of Austin, from a distance, and up close, so they could compare and see what it used to be like
* CLOTHES. Ones of current trends/etc. Obviously nothing of mine, but stuff that really defines what fashion today looks like
* A pair of converse. Because if they are still being made in the future, it'd be cool to have one from the past (and they'll probably be making those shoes until the end of time).
* A picture of Anderson. Because if it's gone or changed by then, it should be remembered as it was.
* A picture of our current car
* Pictures of our current home
* A scrapbook of my life, with full commentary from me so they know exactly what growing up was like.

So, what happened with me recently is...Honestly not too much. I've been getting ready for drumline tryouts, which admittedly, I am SO FREAKED about. You have no idea. Really, you don't. My heart jumps a little now just thinking about it. I've been working my butt off, 2 hours a day when I can. And thanks to my intensity, things have slipped out of my life that really shouldn't. I've turned down multiple sleepovers with my beloved friends, and several family outings now, because I needed to practice. My grades have slipped a bit. They're still okay, but not as great as they should be. And my piano has been completely down the drain. And on top of that, everyone that knows me probably thinks I'm INSANE by now. And I don't disagree. Maybe I am crazy, maybe I'm not...I honestly don't know. It all depends on the turnouts. I don't know what they'll be or even how I'll react, but I know I'll be proud of myself for all the work I put into it, and I'll definitely be relieved when they're finally over.

In other news, I've deactivated my facebook account, and made my mom change the password (without telling me what it is) so I can only get onto it when I ask over the weekends. It's just too much of a distraction for me, and frankly, it's a little too addictive.