Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hello ALL! This is gonna be a snappy blog today because I'm HYPED UP for no particular reason. Reallyreallyreallyreallyreally hyperrrr!!!

So this blog topic is about overpopulation. What have previous countries done about overpopulation? Well, the first thing that honestly comes to mind is China. Them and their stinkin' one-child policy. Dummmb if you ask me. Because honestly, what happens if people have twins? Triplets? Do they have to pay a fine? Are the children given up for adoption? Another thing that China has done would be, and they don't even know this is hurting them, the rejection of little girls. Bringing them to other countries. Abandoning them. Aborting them. etc, etc, etc... But seriously people, in case you never came to this conclusion GUYS CAN'T HAVE BABIES!!! What the heck are you going to do with all those guys running around? Not ALL of them can go gay you know...Anyway, rant over.
So recently we've had drumline tryouts. Yeah, that crazy thing I was talking about in my earlier blogs. It's CRAZY and in the past two days a lot of people have been cut from the line and moved on down to pit. Which sucks for pit, because they're starting to need alternate spots. Yeah. not enough instruments to use there. So a lot of pit people are getting cut and moved to alternate as well. but not me, yaaayy!!! At least, not yet. Final cuts are on may 3, so I won't find out if I made it until then!!! >.< Ticks me off... But anyway, in the meantime, I'm gonna like, double my practice, because I'm not going down without a fight.

ANYWAYS, BAAIIII!!! *goes off to drink more red bull*

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