Thursday, February 4, 2010


HELLO ALL! or as they say in Taiwan, HELLO ALL, only they say it in Chinese.

Today, we will be discussing the wonderful thing that is Technology! Good lord, I love Technology. I would probably not survive without it. (That there's an exaggeration. If you're me, you'll use it quite a lot in your normal life). Think about all the good that technology has done for us. Not only has it changed the way we work in regular life, but it's changed the way we think, and it's changed the way we feel about things. There are things in the world that you could say aren't school appropriate, and the internet exposes you to that. But it's not really bad. Think about it, before the internet, things like facebook, myspace, and twitter didn't exist. So socializing was a lot different. You had to arrange dates face-to-face, and if you wanted to talk to your friend, you had to find the time to get on the phone and call them yourselves. Things like asking someone out was also a lot more terrifying, because you had to actually face them, instead of going up on facebook and asking them over the internet. If anything, it's hurt our social skills. Given us the option of hiding behind the internet instead of talking face-to-face or on the phone. it's made us lazier, but it's also helped us. For example, for things like homework, or classes, we're able to use it as the best resource for research. The world is at your fingertips.

Now, the reason my greeting was Chinese-oriented is this. I have an exchange student staying with me these past few weeks, and her name is Laura. The whole experience has really opened up my eyes, and I've been given the opportunity to be exposed to different cultures. And I've found, surprisingly, that a lot of things in Taiwan are not that different than in the US. For example, Laura knows celebrities like Miley Cyrus (gross as that sounds), Sandra Bullock, she's even seen the Blind Side, My sisters' keeper, and Avatar. And not only that, did you know most people in Taiwan have learned english? at least 70% of the people in Taiwan know english already. Anyway, goodbye!

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