Friday, September 18, 2009

The Five Themes of Geography, and how they relate to YOU. (but not really)

Hello! Or as they say in Klingon, Hello! Only they say it in Klingon.
Don't know what "Klingon" is? Maybe you should watch Star Trek.

Anyway, today I'm gonna talk about the five themes of Geography. They are as follows: Location, Place, Human/Enviornment Interaction, Movement, and finally, Region.

Location is either absolute location (latitude and longitude), or relative location. I'm not sure of our absolute location, but if I were to tell you where Austin is by relative location, I would say it is north of San Antonio.

For Place, I would probably describe it as follows- HOT. As far as jobs go, though, there are a bunch of jobs in the computer industry. Not to mention, we're not called the music capitol of the world for nothing- there are a lot of bands in town trying to make it to the big time, or possibly, just finding work. And if you don't fit into either of those catagories, fear not! There's lots of weird things you could do/be. "Keep Austin Weird," is our town motto. Just ask Leslie, the rich guy that likes to walk down the street in a bikini (0r so I've heard.)

The human/enviornment interaction in Austin, I think is really unique. Sure, we have streets and buildings, just like any other town, but we also have so much more. For example, so many people come by every day to lake austin, wether to run, bike, jog, canoe, or whatever. But no matter what, it's always in use. And on Congress we discovered we had the biggest colony of mexican free-tailed bats living in the bridge. And now it's one of the most popular attraction. People come by to see the bats come out almost every night.

For movement, we pride ourselves in taking the bus a lot. Until my dad's work location was moved, he used to take the bus to work every day.

In Region, mainly all of texas is as hot as it is in Austin. Just to name a few of my favorite natural landforms I like to visit is Enchanted Rock, Krause Springs, and Barton springs. Mainly the land- once you get into the country- is pretty hilly. There are also some mountains when you get into the country.

Man, these weeks zip by quick. It seems like just yesterday I was making my first blog entry. But these two weeks have really pushed me to my limit. Band has gotten a lot more intense witht the scheduling, and I'm just trying to juggle everything at once. But, strange as it sounds, I don't mind being busy that much. Of course, I like having free time better, but it's pretty cool not being bored. I had to tough through this week being sick. But the highlights are, I'm doing pretty good in my classes, and my favorite shows are starting up pretty soon. "Glee" just came on again a few weeks ago, and it's really awesome so far. "Heroes" is starting next monday, and I'm not sure when "Dollhouse" is coming back on. but I think it's late November/early December. Either way, I'm excited.

So what about you guys? What are your favorite shows? Do you like having a busy schedule? What you like best- Krause Springs, Enchanted Rock, Barton Springs, South Congress? Tell me tell me tell me!

So anyway, that's all for now.
Live long and prosper!

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