Saturday, September 5, 2009


Hello! Or as they say in Japan; hello!. Only they say it in Japanese.

I'll bet now that you've started reading this blog you can't stop. Just go ahead. Stop reading. I dare you.

You couldn't do it, could you? That's because I've already got you reeled in. Congratulations.

You might be wondering- who is this strange person that's writing this blog? And why am I still reading it? And what's with that strange purple flower on her profile picture?

In due time, my friends. This shall all come to you.

I guess now that we're introduced I should tell you a little about myself. No, I don't live in a cave overlooking a cliffside, or in a treehouse in a forest (though come on, that would be awesome). Believe it or not I live in a normal house like any other normal person (minus the part about being normal.)

So I'm not going to ramble on about my home/school life to you. instead I'm going to do the most random questionarre I can find on the web. So here we go;

1. Last kiss? ~ Never been kissed
2. How do you flush the toilet in public? ~ uh, with my hand..?
3. Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? ~ Yes
4. Do you have a crush on someone? ~ Doesn't everybody?
5. Name one thing that you start to get tense about if you are close to running out of it~ time
6. What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble? Hannah Montana. No, I'm kidding. People don't hate me that much.
7. Favorite pizza topping: cheese
8. Finish this sentence: if my life was a sitcom my theme song would be: "Non Dairy Creamer," by Third eye Blind. Weirdest song ever, but it's soooo awesome
9. Do you pop your knuckles? alllll the time- my mom and piano teacher HATE it.
10. What song do you dislike the most when it gets stuck in your head? Anything that has too much synthesized voices and annoying melodies. In other words, anything that they show on disney channel.
11. Did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head? no.
12. What are your super powers? My powers are infinite
13. Peppermint or spearmint? peppermint- spearmint tastes spicy to me
14. Where are your keys? uhhh. Why?
15. Who's answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear? Anyone that I don't know well
16. What's your most annoying habit? I randomly burst into song.
17. Where did you last go on vacation? To San Diego. Comic-Con is AMAZING. I wanted to live there forever
18. If you could punch one person in the nose and get away with it, who would it be? honestly...? I don't want to offend anyone, but Sarah Palin. OHMYGOD.
19. What is your best physical feature? I've been told I have pretty eyes...
20. What CD is closest to you right now? Harry Potter 6, books on tape. I listen them when I go to bed. They help me fall asleep.
21. What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator? Milk, orange juice, and eggs. Lame, I know.
22. What superstition do you believe/practice?: Does Deja Vu count? I get it allllll the time.
23. Does size matter? ew!
24. Paper or Plastic? plastic- we recyle them, soooo yeah.
25. Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive? I don't drive, but when I do, I won't. It's a dangerous habit!
27. What song(s) do you sing most often in the shower? Anything that's currently stuck in my head.
28. If you could go back or forward in time would you and where would you go? I'd set it to go right back in time when I die. Then I'd experience my death and see if there is an afterlife. Or I'd see how the world ends. I wouldn't go back in time- too risky.
29. What is your favorite Harrison Ford movie?...who?
30. What CD is in your stereo? I don't know, but now iTunes is playing "weasel stomping day" by weird al. that song is so MESSED UP.
31. What OCD qualities do you have? I don't know
32. how many kids do you plan on having? uhhh, one...? Two...?
33. If you could kiss anyone famous who would it be? ooooo... Zachary Quinto. Sylar is beast. (watch "Heroes," it's the best show EVER.)
34. Would you really want to kiss someone you didn't know? uh, not really. I'd prefer to know and already like that person, thanks.
35. What do you do when no one is watching? Sing and dance.
36. If they made a movie about your life, what actor/actress would play you? Whoopi Goldberg. Even though she looks nothing like me. She's just awesome.
37. Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or peacefully in your sleep? blaze of glory. I'd like to go out with a bang.
38. What candy, from when you were a kid, do you miss the most? Skittles.
39. what is your favorite movie? Spirited Away, by Hayao Miazaki. That man is a genious.
40. Favorite musician(s)/bands you've seen in concert? I've actually never been to a concert before.
41. Have you ever been in love? no, but I hope I do.
42. Do you talk to yourself? Dude. Alllllll the time. Who doesn't?
43. Is there anybody you just wish would fall of the face off the earth? So I lied about not going into the past. I'd go back to before the Hollacaust and wish Hitler off the face of the earth.

So I think you've learned just about enough to stalk- I mean, get a basic idea about me. I've liked doing this blog, though- it's the first bit of downtime I've gotten since forever. And you've figured out my secret- I actually AM pretty normal. Most of the time. Sometimes. Yeah, not really.

But in case you ARE reading this in a cave near a cliffside (but somehow have internet...?) you should know that the past two weeks have not been any ordinary two weeks. Because two weeks ago on Monday was the first day of school. And for me, that was the first day of HIGH school. It's been pretty stressful for me, but I've only had one meltdown so far! So I think I'm doing pretty good. I'm in Marching band, so that eats up a lot of my time. but it's been soo much fun. I've made a lot of friends, and am already a much better percussionist than I was before all that buisness started. And as far as school goes, everyone has to go through it. And I'm making the best out of it that I can.

Thank you for reading my blog. That is all.
Live long and Prosper, my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Anna! (awful waffle I love it!)

    I love the whole blog. I'm sure people tell you all the time, but you really are funny...I laughed like a million times ready your blog. It's so creative you took such a spin on the assignment! Your an amazing writer too. And I so agree about the back to school being crazy thing! All pre-ap classes has got me swamped (already I know! it's so stupid!!!) But I don't know how band people do it! I have another friend in band and it seems like she never has any free time...she always has something band related...

    But I hope we both get in the flow of school soon!

    See ya later! Carly :)
