Saturday, November 7, 2009

Frida Kahlo, OH MAHH!! D:

Prepare thyself...

Dun-Duh-na-NAAA!!!! :)

Hello! Or as Frida Kahlo would say, hello! Only she would say it a lot better than I just did. Frida Kahlo is not only a great painter, but she is also an icon for Latin America, and for women of all shapes and sizes. At age six, Frida contracted polio, which she disguised well by wearing vibrant, elaborate skirts, such as the one in the picture above. When she was eighteen, she was involved in an accident that nearly took away her ablilty to walk for good. But she made it through. Eventually, she was able to walk again, but she was still plagued by bouts of agonizing pain in her injured leg for the rest of her life. These attacks often left her bedridden for months. During most of her life, she was hospitalized, and passed the time through painting. Many of her works were self-portraits, illustrating the suffering she went through in her life.
So this week was the last football game. HUZZAH!!!!KIND OF.....I don't know, I have mixed feelings about it now. I've gotten so close to to many people through it, and I'm kind of sad that I won't be able to be spending as much time with them. We did speeches for all the seniors beforehand. It was touching and life-changing and whatever, but extremely sad. There was a lot of crying (NATURALLY) a lot of hugging, and of course, a lot of crying AND hugging. Band won't be quite the same without all the seniors there, and I'm sad to see them go.

and OH MY GOSH, is it POSSIBLE to get RID of a picture? Can someone please enlighten me? I'm not patient enought to work it out for myself. -___-

Live long and prosper my little daffodils! (FAIL.)
~Anna K.

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