Saturday, December 5, 2009

Darfur! (pronounced "darFOUR," not "darFUR")

This new blog topic is going to be on a more serious note than my last ones. After the Holocaust in the 1940s, the US basically claimed that they wouldn't let this kind of thing happen ever again. But it's happening right now. In 2003 a group called the Janjaweed has committed heinous crimes against humanity.

In Darfur, Sudan, because of this, over 400,000 people have been killed. To put this in perspective, there are about 2,000 students at Anderson. Say there's about 500 faculty and staff members, making to a total of about 2,500 people total. Think of all the people you know, and I mean ALL of them, that you know at the school; your friends, your teachers. Think of passing periods when the hallways are packed with kids. Multiply this number of people by 200. Think of the UT stadium in Austin, The Darrell K Royal Memorial stadium, which holds about 80,000 people. The people killed in Darfur is FIVE TIMES that many people. There's currently 26,900 people living in Austin. The amount of people killed in Darfur is FIFTEEN TIMES that many people. All of those lives lost because America was too chicken to interfere soon enough. Now granted it's not as extreme as the 11 million men, women, and children that were slaughtered during the Holocaust, but if we don't interfere soon, this could get even more out of hand.

Think how big and powerful America is. The leading country of the WORLD, and how easily we could just interfere in this horrible situation. How easily we could just come in and put pressure on the government. We could do anything- demand they stop. Even reduce trade and look elsewhere for the materials. All this going on, and we're more interested in John and Kate's divorce than millions of people that need our help? I think it goes without saying that we're the most to blame for this going on. Because we have the resources within our reach to put a stop to this, and we're not DOING anything. It's OUR fault this has gotten so out of hand. We need to interfere and put at stop to this before it spreads, and we're too busy debating whether it's really genocide or not rather than trying to put a stop to it. Genocide or not, people are dying every day NOW because we're too worried about getting our hands dirty.

Here's a good video targeting the Genocide in Darfur:

*ENORMOUS sigh....*

Well, on a brighter note, the most exciting part of MY last two weeks has been...Well, really not much. Although (sorry to takl about band again) we just recently finished one of the BIGGEST competitions of the year for band. Region Band try-outs. It's definetly a big one. I've been working on the music since about July, and this Thursday we went over to Westlake HS for a good five hours. Basically, we played four boring peices on Marimba (2 for this), Timpani and Snare drum that, lets face it, no one really cares about. But now I'm just glad now that I don't have that hanging over my head. It is D-U-N done!

Anyway, live long and prosper fellow carbon-based life forms!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

All about me...

IT'S A SIGN OF THE APOCOLYPSE!!! We have a blog topic all about ourselves for the first time! yaaayy. I promise I won't make you fall asleep.

When I have free time, my thoughts mainly consist of "hmm, I have nothing to do. Maybe I could take a walk outsi- OOH FACEBOOK!!! I'll just get on it for a minuttee.."

And then, my friends, is where I make my fatal mistake. See, it's near impossible to go onto Facebook for "a minute." Because the instant you get on, you could either be a.) assaulted with a person wanting to chat with you (and you can't say no because you don't want to hurt their feelings) b.) a quiz that seems interesting that you simply must take (and once you reach this point, many other quizzes are pulled up and you MUST take these ones as well). c) an interesting post that you must comment on. or d.) and object/random thought that inclines you to update your satus, etc.etc.... So you see, the cycle is neverending. These options may come up at any order, but always occur when you get on this horribly addicting website.

I think I (and every other teenager on this planet) needs to go to rehab, because Facebook is starting to keep us from doing average everyday tasks, such as
- Doing your homework
- Studying for a test
- Neccesary things such as brushing your teeth/bathing/being attentive to the world around you.
- Listening to your parents
- Doing your chores
And most importantly, HAVING A LIFE.

It's like the force- to battle it, you have to have some of the power yourself. For example, to avoid the endless black hole that is Facebook, I battle it with something that is equally, or almost as addictive. For me, these things would include reading, watching TV, practicing percussion, practicing piano (which is probably more absorbing than percussion), or writing. I am a big fan of Language Arts. I love to write and read...All of that good stuff. If I could get a job in the future (anything that excludes math) I would chose to actually make time so I could write a Novel. I write stories all the time. I've written one that's about Novel-length, but it's probably not good for publishing.

And you know what I'll do in the future when I get that first Novel Published? I'll let everyone know...


Now, let me tell you how my last two weeks have been. It's been a LOT less stressful for me than the past two six weeks have been. That could either be because marching band is finally over with or because I'm finally figuring out a work system that clicks with me. It's most likely a combination of both. But you know, it finally feels like things are falling into place just the way they need to. I'm very calm and relaxed, and you won't see me freaking out any time soon (yaaayy!!!) I also recently took up to volunteering at the Northwest animal rescue. It's at Petsmart, and I basically go there, where they have a bunch of cats (mainly kittens) and I take care of them. That includes cleaning the catboxes, feeding, and watering them, but that's okay because after that I get to snuggle with a bunch of cute kitties that love being held. :)

Anyway, so long, farewell, auf weidersein and goodbye!!!! :)

~ Anna K.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Frida Kahlo, OH MAHH!! D:

Prepare thyself...

Dun-Duh-na-NAAA!!!! :)

Hello! Or as Frida Kahlo would say, hello! Only she would say it a lot better than I just did. Frida Kahlo is not only a great painter, but she is also an icon for Latin America, and for women of all shapes and sizes. At age six, Frida contracted polio, which she disguised well by wearing vibrant, elaborate skirts, such as the one in the picture above. When she was eighteen, she was involved in an accident that nearly took away her ablilty to walk for good. But she made it through. Eventually, she was able to walk again, but she was still plagued by bouts of agonizing pain in her injured leg for the rest of her life. These attacks often left her bedridden for months. During most of her life, she was hospitalized, and passed the time through painting. Many of her works were self-portraits, illustrating the suffering she went through in her life.
So this week was the last football game. HUZZAH!!!!KIND OF.....I don't know, I have mixed feelings about it now. I've gotten so close to to many people through it, and I'm kind of sad that I won't be able to be spending as much time with them. We did speeches for all the seniors beforehand. It was touching and life-changing and whatever, but extremely sad. There was a lot of crying (NATURALLY) a lot of hugging, and of course, a lot of crying AND hugging. Band won't be quite the same without all the seniors there, and I'm sad to see them go.

and OH MY GOSH, is it POSSIBLE to get RID of a picture? Can someone please enlighten me? I'm not patient enought to work it out for myself. -___-

Live long and prosper my little daffodils! (FAIL.)
~Anna K.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Hello! Or as they say in the world of the undead, "Hello," only they say it in zombie.

Now I don't know about you, but I love quotes. I just love hearing people that are smarter than me act just as dumb as everybody else and try to explain the world. A really cool one I came across is from my man, Ben'jammin Franklin. (But you can just call him Jammin'...) and the quote is;
"When the well's dry, we know the worth of water."
Let me tell you, this is just awesome- it's one of the handful of quotes that's not obscure, self-righteous, OR cheesy. It's just the truth. Let's face it, in this society we get everything we want- clothes, food, water, a roof over our heads. It just comes to you ready-made. You turn sixteen, you get a car, you're six years old, and you get a puppy. It's just the way things are if you're a regular american. We're all at least a little spoiled, and we all take the things we have for granted. Think about the people who appreciate what they have even if it's very little. They know what it's like to have a dried up well. But ours is overflowing, and do we share the water with those that have none? Mostly not. Those teenagers that pick up other peoples' trash on the streets, and volunteer at the nursing home or the soup kitchen simply because they want to don't come around as much as we'd like to think. Think about the economy right now. People are cutting back, scrimping together what they have. Our well is dry for the first time in a long time. But maybe once things start going again, and jobs open up, we'll appreciate having the extra money...

Okay, so now that my little rant is over....These past few weeks.... Well, for one thing, I'm getting a foreign exchange student from China in Janurary (officially). She'll be staying over at my house for three weeks, and she'll get a grand tour of Austin. Her name is Laura, and she's a percussionist (just like me! ). I'm really excited for it, because I don't have any siblings. She'll be kind of like an adopted sister for a few weeks; I'll get to introduce her to my friends, and we'll get to know each other really well. Also, we held a party this weekend. For like ten years now, my dad's been making this "Dead Guy." Basically it's a life-size zombie made out of rubber. it's real realistic, and very cool looking. So anyway, tonight we invited a ton of people over, unveiled him, and had a naming contest.

His official name now is Dr. Deteriorated :)

So that is all...
Live long and prosper!
~ Anna K.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hello!!! or as they say on mars "you think those stupid earthlings will ever find us up here?" only they say it in Martian.

Today, children, we are going to discuss the topic of illegal immigrants. Otherwise known as illegal "Aliens." Only not the kinds in men and black- the ones that are literally aliens. The immigrants we get are human beings, who just want to come over here because their own country is unsafe, unclean, or sometimes they simply want a fresh start. Of course, most of our immigrants are from Mexico, since it's right up against us. I'm not so sure about Canada though. Anyway, our country is trying to slow the stream of immigrants coming in by putting up border control, fences, etc. Anyway. Whatever keeps them out.

So now onto the past two weeks. Man, to be honest they've gone by so fast I hardly remember what happened. Lots of Band, lots of Homework, lots of tests. The usual. It's funny, but the most I remember from the last two weeks are things we did in band. How sad is that? One thing that I don't think I'll ever be able to forget is when we played Pflugerville Thursady night. Fellow percussionists from their band came over, introduced themselves, and gave us a big bag of candy. Then we all got in a circle and introduced ourselves, played games, etc. It was a lot of fun :)

Well, until I see you again, earthlings! l8r

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Secondhand Serenade <3

Hello! Or as they say in India, hello! Only they say it in Hindi. Or in Japa: Moshi-Moshi!!!

My favorite band is Secondhand Serenade. And if you haven't heard of them, then you're about to. I first got into Secondhand Serenade because my friend recommended their song "Fall for you." And then came the point of no return... I'm sure you're familiar with it- you start looking up every single song they've ever made and getting it all on your iPod just as fast as humanley possible. I think what I like best about this band is it's very simple. It's just a guy and his guitar. I could rant on forever, but I don't want to bore anybody. And besides, the best way to "get" how good they are is to just listen. So look them up on iTunes, YouTube, whatever. But here are some of my personal favorites.

"I Hate This Song"
"Fall For You"
"A Twist in my Story"
"Let it Roll"

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Five Themes of Geography, and how they relate to YOU. (but not really)

Hello! Or as they say in Klingon, Hello! Only they say it in Klingon.
Don't know what "Klingon" is? Maybe you should watch Star Trek.

Anyway, today I'm gonna talk about the five themes of Geography. They are as follows: Location, Place, Human/Enviornment Interaction, Movement, and finally, Region.

Location is either absolute location (latitude and longitude), or relative location. I'm not sure of our absolute location, but if I were to tell you where Austin is by relative location, I would say it is north of San Antonio.

For Place, I would probably describe it as follows- HOT. As far as jobs go, though, there are a bunch of jobs in the computer industry. Not to mention, we're not called the music capitol of the world for nothing- there are a lot of bands in town trying to make it to the big time, or possibly, just finding work. And if you don't fit into either of those catagories, fear not! There's lots of weird things you could do/be. "Keep Austin Weird," is our town motto. Just ask Leslie, the rich guy that likes to walk down the street in a bikini (0r so I've heard.)

The human/enviornment interaction in Austin, I think is really unique. Sure, we have streets and buildings, just like any other town, but we also have so much more. For example, so many people come by every day to lake austin, wether to run, bike, jog, canoe, or whatever. But no matter what, it's always in use. And on Congress we discovered we had the biggest colony of mexican free-tailed bats living in the bridge. And now it's one of the most popular attraction. People come by to see the bats come out almost every night.

For movement, we pride ourselves in taking the bus a lot. Until my dad's work location was moved, he used to take the bus to work every day.

In Region, mainly all of texas is as hot as it is in Austin. Just to name a few of my favorite natural landforms I like to visit is Enchanted Rock, Krause Springs, and Barton springs. Mainly the land- once you get into the country- is pretty hilly. There are also some mountains when you get into the country.

Man, these weeks zip by quick. It seems like just yesterday I was making my first blog entry. But these two weeks have really pushed me to my limit. Band has gotten a lot more intense witht the scheduling, and I'm just trying to juggle everything at once. But, strange as it sounds, I don't mind being busy that much. Of course, I like having free time better, but it's pretty cool not being bored. I had to tough through this week being sick. But the highlights are, I'm doing pretty good in my classes, and my favorite shows are starting up pretty soon. "Glee" just came on again a few weeks ago, and it's really awesome so far. "Heroes" is starting next monday, and I'm not sure when "Dollhouse" is coming back on. but I think it's late November/early December. Either way, I'm excited.

So what about you guys? What are your favorite shows? Do you like having a busy schedule? What you like best- Krause Springs, Enchanted Rock, Barton Springs, South Congress? Tell me tell me tell me!

So anyway, that's all for now.
Live long and prosper!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Hello! Or as they say in Japan; hello!. Only they say it in Japanese.

I'll bet now that you've started reading this blog you can't stop. Just go ahead. Stop reading. I dare you.

You couldn't do it, could you? That's because I've already got you reeled in. Congratulations.

You might be wondering- who is this strange person that's writing this blog? And why am I still reading it? And what's with that strange purple flower on her profile picture?

In due time, my friends. This shall all come to you.

I guess now that we're introduced I should tell you a little about myself. No, I don't live in a cave overlooking a cliffside, or in a treehouse in a forest (though come on, that would be awesome). Believe it or not I live in a normal house like any other normal person (minus the part about being normal.)

So I'm not going to ramble on about my home/school life to you. instead I'm going to do the most random questionarre I can find on the web. So here we go;

1. Last kiss? ~ Never been kissed
2. How do you flush the toilet in public? ~ uh, with my hand..?
3. Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? ~ Yes
4. Do you have a crush on someone? ~ Doesn't everybody?
5. Name one thing that you start to get tense about if you are close to running out of it~ time
6. What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble? Hannah Montana. No, I'm kidding. People don't hate me that much.
7. Favorite pizza topping: cheese
8. Finish this sentence: if my life was a sitcom my theme song would be: "Non Dairy Creamer," by Third eye Blind. Weirdest song ever, but it's soooo awesome
9. Do you pop your knuckles? alllll the time- my mom and piano teacher HATE it.
10. What song do you dislike the most when it gets stuck in your head? Anything that has too much synthesized voices and annoying melodies. In other words, anything that they show on disney channel.
11. Did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head? no.
12. What are your super powers? My powers are infinite
13. Peppermint or spearmint? peppermint- spearmint tastes spicy to me
14. Where are your keys? uhhh. Why?
15. Who's answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear? Anyone that I don't know well
16. What's your most annoying habit? I randomly burst into song.
17. Where did you last go on vacation? To San Diego. Comic-Con is AMAZING. I wanted to live there forever
18. If you could punch one person in the nose and get away with it, who would it be? honestly...? I don't want to offend anyone, but Sarah Palin. OHMYGOD.
19. What is your best physical feature? I've been told I have pretty eyes...
20. What CD is closest to you right now? Harry Potter 6, books on tape. I listen them when I go to bed. They help me fall asleep.
21. What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator? Milk, orange juice, and eggs. Lame, I know.
22. What superstition do you believe/practice?: Does Deja Vu count? I get it allllll the time.
23. Does size matter? ew!
24. Paper or Plastic? plastic- we recyle them, soooo yeah.
25. Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive? I don't drive, but when I do, I won't. It's a dangerous habit!
27. What song(s) do you sing most often in the shower? Anything that's currently stuck in my head.
28. If you could go back or forward in time would you and where would you go? I'd set it to go right back in time when I die. Then I'd experience my death and see if there is an afterlife. Or I'd see how the world ends. I wouldn't go back in time- too risky.
29. What is your favorite Harrison Ford movie?...who?
30. What CD is in your stereo? I don't know, but now iTunes is playing "weasel stomping day" by weird al. that song is so MESSED UP.
31. What OCD qualities do you have? I don't know
32. how many kids do you plan on having? uhhh, one...? Two...?
33. If you could kiss anyone famous who would it be? ooooo... Zachary Quinto. Sylar is beast. (watch "Heroes," it's the best show EVER.)
34. Would you really want to kiss someone you didn't know? uh, not really. I'd prefer to know and already like that person, thanks.
35. What do you do when no one is watching? Sing and dance.
36. If they made a movie about your life, what actor/actress would play you? Whoopi Goldberg. Even though she looks nothing like me. She's just awesome.
37. Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or peacefully in your sleep? blaze of glory. I'd like to go out with a bang.
38. What candy, from when you were a kid, do you miss the most? Skittles.
39. what is your favorite movie? Spirited Away, by Hayao Miazaki. That man is a genious.
40. Favorite musician(s)/bands you've seen in concert? I've actually never been to a concert before.
41. Have you ever been in love? no, but I hope I do.
42. Do you talk to yourself? Dude. Alllllll the time. Who doesn't?
43. Is there anybody you just wish would fall of the face off the earth? So I lied about not going into the past. I'd go back to before the Hollacaust and wish Hitler off the face of the earth.

So I think you've learned just about enough to stalk- I mean, get a basic idea about me. I've liked doing this blog, though- it's the first bit of downtime I've gotten since forever. And you've figured out my secret- I actually AM pretty normal. Most of the time. Sometimes. Yeah, not really.

But in case you ARE reading this in a cave near a cliffside (but somehow have internet...?) you should know that the past two weeks have not been any ordinary two weeks. Because two weeks ago on Monday was the first day of school. And for me, that was the first day of HIGH school. It's been pretty stressful for me, but I've only had one meltdown so far! So I think I'm doing pretty good. I'm in Marching band, so that eats up a lot of my time. but it's been soo much fun. I've made a lot of friends, and am already a much better percussionist than I was before all that buisness started. And as far as school goes, everyone has to go through it. And I'm making the best out of it that I can.

Thank you for reading my blog. That is all.
Live long and Prosper, my friends.